
“庸乌啥我们需要理想”? 关于理想的题目太x青了,以至于我必须用东北腔来人为增添一些戏谑成分才得以出口。我最近一次思考这个问题,是因为遇到空门君。


“AprilFool天生豪杰。豪杰若非天生,则一定假冒伪劣。maverick最喜欢的一句英语’Gentleman is, rather than does’,意思说绅士与生俱来,而非后天修得。豪杰同理。”





这份手稿中的理论可以用于实现高层次的开发工具,实现软件的设计的可视化和自动化。这套工具允许将手稿中提到的计算模型具体化,对应到现有的计算机语言,例如 C、C++和Java,因此具有很强的实用性。同时,这套工具允许对实现(例如 C 代码)和设计进行验证,使得自顶向下的软件过程得到彻底地实施。



Nullgate claimed that he has a manuscript which could be a great impact to the theory and practice of both programming languages and software engineering. It follows:
The manuscript uses topology as a primary tool to analyze and model the computer program. The inuitive approach shows the essential difference between pure functional methodology and object oriented methodology. The manuscript follows the principle of topology and proposes a new computing model based on causal
relations, which could distinguish algorithm from data. There are high level type systems and soundness in the new computing model, making it extremely expressive and robust, which is seldom possible in prevailing object-oriented programming.
The theory in the manuscript can be utilized as hodology and implemented as software developing tool, visualizing and automating the software process. The practice could be language neutral, which means designers can translate high level designs into prevailing languages like C, C++ and Java. The theory also makes the verification between design and implementation possible, which is a great help to top-down software process.
The author is formalizing the manuscript into a better
format, solving the trivial problems and implementing the
prototype. So the author do not intent to disclose the content of this manuscript. Neverthless, in order to protect the interest of the future investors, the author is not allowed to disclose the manuscript. The author decides to unleash the digital digest of the manuscript, and store the encrypted manuscript in the secured media. Thus the uthor could prove he have already finished this manuscript.
The author is obligated to those who believed in him and
published this announcement and the related digital digest.
数字签名使用 GNU Crypto (Java) 实现,其源代码和可执行文件请
向空门索取,他的信箱是 nullgate [at] gmail . com
nullgate.jar [original]
Length = 3023025
SHA160 = FD642629D6A79524C56B8C1BB79C6FA5354CCB
MD-5 = 14AE674F52BEDCC8AE4B52A44EE71
nullgate.jar.rar [encrypted]
Length = 3023124
SHA160 = 472159758F4FA2CB553B41F137452971EC5B257
MD-5 = 5967A235EA6955DB87D2FEE064FA182B


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